Friday, April 13, 2012

Weight Loss Update

I decided that I want to do a lot more detailed updates dealing with my weight loss. I want to keep detailed accounts of my workouts, and other things that I am doing. I want to talk about how I'm feeling, or going through a rough time, or when I accomplish something I'm really proud of. However, I didn't want that to become what this blog was about. This blog is about The Hinton's and us as a family...not Bobbi and her workouts. So in order to prevent this blog from being taken over, I have made a new blog completely dedicated to my exercise.

I will be talking about what I am doing for exercise. I will post healthy recipes that I enjoy. I have progress pictures, personal goals, when my races are, etc.

Because of some personal information (such as weight and measurements), my new blog is private. So if you would like to read it, please send me your e-mail.

My new blog is: